Title: The Tricks of Fate Characters/pairings: Don/Colby, Coop/Gary Walker, mention of Don/Coop Rating: R. Summary: Fate has lots of tricks. Disclaimer: I don't own Numb3rs.
Title: The Result of All Chances Characters: Colby, Dwayne, the team. Rating: PG-13. Summary: Colby has changed so much since Afghanistan. Spoilers: Season 3 and 4. Disclaimer: I don't own Numb3rs.
Drabble Series: American Hero Characters: Colby, Dwayne, OCs Rating: R. Warnings: Violence. Spoilers: None. Summary: Every family has its American Hero.
Drabble Series: Tragedy Chain Characters: Charlie, Don, Megan, Larry, David, Colby, Ian, Ray, Alan Rating: R for violence. Spoilers: None. Warning: Character death. Summary: A chain of tragedies in 4 little drabbles.
Drabble Series: Fascination Characters/pairings: Charlie/Ian Spoilers: None. Warnings: None. Summary: Fascination can lead to unexpected fantasies about guns.
Drabble Series: Bridge to the 7 Deadly Sins Characters: Larry, Megan, David, Ian, Colby, Amita, Ray Rating: R for violence. Spoilers: None. Warning: Character death. Summary: What happened after the tragedy chain?
Drabble Series: The Last Trial (7 Deadly Sins) Characters: Charlie, Don, Megan, Larry, Colby, Amita, Alan, Ian, Robin, OCs Rating: R for violence. Spoilers: None. Warning: Character death. Summary: There is one last trial before the end of things as you know them.